Each of my clients is unique. My therapy is an individual support for your development. She starts with her personal concerns and goal of change.
call or email Call me or send me an e-mail to ask initial questions or to arrange an initial 60-minute appointment in my practice in the Belgian Quarter in Cologne. You get an appointment at short notice.
First appointment (60 minutes) You tell me your request. You can ask your questions. I'll explain how I work. You will receive a professional assessment of your topics from me. If we have the feeling that it fits, we agree on one another session .
More sessions
Step by step, we work together to implement the change you have expressed. You go through the further steps of your personal process. They develop new perspectives on how to feel and act.
effects Our joint work is a precious growth process. What is worked on in the sessions has an effect on you that will continue to have an effect between the sessions. Look forward to your authentic process!
course of therapy After a certain time, we discuss together the change you have observed. I can say from experience that my clients feel heard, understood and accepted when it comes to their concerns . You become aware of your issues, experience impulses for renewal and take the steps that you can and want to take.
I look forward to getting to know you personally!